Custom executors and binding conveyance in Clojure, part III
In the previous post, I described how to set up dynamic variable bindings for arbitrary executors. I also pointed out that this method has a slight performance penalty: the bindings are set up and torn down before and after each submitted task, although we need this only once for each thread in the pool.
In this part I show a way to get rid of this performance penalty whenever using an executor accepting a thread factory. The following examples assume the environment described in the first part of this series.
A thread factory with dynamic binding
The first step is to define a function a thread factory creating threads with the desired bindings already installed. The function below takes two optional parameters, a thread factory producing the threads we want to modify and the bindings to be installed. Both of these have straightforward default values: the default thread factory from java.util.concurrent.Executors
and the current thread bindings.
(defn binding-thread-factory
"Returns a thread factory wrapping `base-factory` that creates threads having
`bindings` installed."
[& {:keys [base-factory bindings]
:or {base-factory (Executors/defaultThreadFactory)
bindings (get-thread-bindings)}}]
(reify ThreadFactory
(newThread [_this runnable]
(.newThread base-factory #(with-bindings bindings (.run runnable))))))
In the last line of this code the with-bindings
macro is used to set the desired bindings for the runnable of the new thread.
This function can be used as shown below for creating a fixed thread pool executor.
(defn ^ExecutorService binding-fixed-thread-pool
"Returns a fixed thread pool with `threads` number of threads using a binding
thread pool created according to `factory-opts`.
Also see: `binding-thread-factory`."
[threads & factory-opts]
(let [thread-factory (apply binding-thread-factory factory-opts)]
(Executors/newFixedThreadPool threads thread-factory)))
Using the executor in tests
Like before, it makes sense to define a macro for creating and shutting down the executor:
(spec/fdef with-executor
:args (spec/cat :binding (spec/spec (spec/cat :name simple-symbol?
:executor any?))
:body (spec/+ any?)))
(defmacro with-executor
"Creates an ExecutorService by calling `executor` and executes `body`.
The executor service created is bound to `name` and shut down after the
execution of `body`."
[[name executor] & body]
`(let [~name ~executor]
(.shutdown ~name)))))
With this macro a multi-threaded test can be defined such:
(deftest multi-thread-bind-once
(let [threads 8, tasks (* 2 threads)]
(with-executor [executor (binding-fixed-thread-pool threads)]
(->> (repeatedly tasks #(.submit executor ^Callable sut-check))
(map #(try (.get % 1 TimeUnit/SECONDS)
(catch TimeoutException _ ::timeout)))
(every? true?)
See the source code if you want to play with it.