9 August 2021

Custom executors and binding conveyance in Clojure

  1. A simple test case
  2. Testing from a single thread
  3. Multi-threaded testing the naive way
  4. Multi-threaded testing with binding conveyance
    1. Reducing the boilerplate

Every now and then I run into a situation when I need to execute code in multiple threads in a controlled way. A typical example for such a situation is when I want to test my code for thread safety or performance under various concurrency settings.

The JVM offers a convenient way for doing this: the java.util.concurrent.Executors class provides a number of useful predefined ExecutorService types with different concurrency properties. However, using them in Clojure properly is not entirely trivial, as in many cases dynamic variable bindings have to be taken into account.

A simple test case

To illustrate the point, let's imagine that we have a function that should work right even when invoked from concurrent threads. As an (admittedly contrived) example, the function sut below has the task of setting the value in the global atom to the next higher value divisible by modulus.

(def modulus 97)

(def global (atom 0))

(defn sut []
  (let [c @global]
    (Thread/sleep (inc (rand-int 20)))
    (let [m (mod c modulus)
          result (if (pos? m)
                   (swap! global + (- modulus m))
      (when (pos? (mod @global modulus))
        (case (rand-int 200)
          0 (throw (ex-info "error detected" {}))
          1 (Thread/sleep 60000)

This function is obviously not thread safe: reading and writing the global variable is not done atomically. Sleeping between reading and writing the global variable makes it very likely that in the presence of concurrent calls the end value will not be divisible by modulus. The function also simulates some common erroneous behaviour: whenever it sees that adjusting the global value failed, with a small probability it throws an exception or just hangs for a long time.

Ideally, we want our tests to explicitly report all of these problems, when the state gets an invalid value, when the computation fails and when the computation blocks.

Testing from a single thread

We define a fixture that sets global to a random value between 0 and 9999 before a test is executed. The test itself makes two checks. First, if the result of sut is divisible with modulus and second, if the result is a natural integer.

(test/use-fixtures :each (fn [f]
                           (reset! global (rand-int 10000))

(defn sut-check []
  (is (zero? (mod (sut) modulus)))
  (is (nat-int? (sut))))

(deftest single-thread

The test single-thread always passes.

Multi-threaded testing the naive way

The test below calls the same function doing the checks as the single threaded one, but starts multiple concurrent calls.

(deftest multi-thread-naive
  (let [threads 8, tasks (* 2 threads)
        executor (Executors/newFixedThreadPool threads)]
      (->> (repeatedly tasks #(.submit executor ^Callable sut-check))
           (map #(try (.get % 1 TimeUnit/SECONDS)
                      (catch TimeoutException _ ::timeout)))
           (every? true?)
        (.shutdown executor)))))

It first creates an executor with a pool of 8 threads, then submits 16 tasks to it. repeatedly delivers a lazy sequence, so the submissions are forced with doall. This results in a list of futures and we get their values with a map call. In case we do not get the result within a second, we return ::timeout. (We know that sut-check cannot deliver this value, so it unambiguously identifies a timeout.) Then we check that the result of each task is true, which is the value the is macro delivers when its assertion holds. Finally, we shut down the executor.

The output of running this test depends on the test runner and the environment. Running this test with cognitect.test-runner in a shell produces an output like this:

$ clojure -X:run :vars '[com.github.bentomi.demo-test/multi-thread-naive]'

Running tests in #{"test"}

Testing com.github.bentomi.demo-test

FAIL in  () (demo_test.clj:49)

FAIL in() (demo_test.clj:49)
() (demo_test.clj:49)
() (demo_test.clj:49)
() (demo_test.clj:49)

FAIL in () (demo_test.clj:49)
 () (demo_test.clj:49)
expected: expected:(zero? (mod (sut) modulus))
expected: (zero? (mod (sut) modulus))
(zero? (mod (sut) modulus))
expected: expected:(zero? (mod (sut) modulus))
(zero? (mod (sut) modulus))
expected:expected:  (zero? (mod (sut) modulus))(zero? (mod (sut) modulus))

  actual:  actual:  (not (zero? 1))
  actual: (not (zero? 33))(not (zero? 65))

  actual: (not (zero? 66))
  actual: (not (zero? 2))
  actual:  actual:  (not (zero? 34))(not (zero? 34))

Ran 1 tests containing 1 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.

We can see some garbled error messages and the report at the end that test passed with one assertion. This is because the assertion in multi-thread-naive can only detect when sut-check takes longer than a second or when the second call to is throws an exception. In the first case the corresponding value is ::timeout, in the second case it's nil. As the likelihood of these failures is low, the test passes most of the time. In an IDE the output is often hidden, and we can only see that test passes.

The assertions in sut-check are not taken into account in the report, because their results are collected in a Ref stored in the clojure.test/*report-counters* dynamic variable which is not seen in the threads making the calls.

Fortunately, Clojure supports binding conveyance, that is, if you make a call using future, the call will be executed in another thread but it will still see the bindings existing in the current thread.

Multi-threaded testing with binding conveyance

The functions future and future-call execute their arguments with the same executor that is used with agents when their task is submitted with send-off. As discussed in an earlier post, the function set-agent-send-off-executor! can be used to set our custom executor for use by send-off, future and future-call. This means that, as long as the code we are testing is not using any functions relying on this executor, we can override it for the scope of the test. Unfortunately, set-agent-send-off-executor! returns the executor we set, not the original one, so we have to read clojure.lang.Agent/soloExecutor explicitly.

(deftest multi-thread-conveying
  (let [threads 8, tasks (* 2 threads)
        executor (Executors/newFixedThreadPool threads)
        original-executor clojure.lang.Agent/soloExecutor]
    (set-agent-send-off-executor! executor)
       (repeatedly tasks #(future-call sut-check))
       (map #(deref % 1000 ::timeout))
       (every? true?)
        (set-agent-send-off-executor! original-executor)
        (.shutdown executor)))))

This version of the test differs from the naive version only in that it installs our executor as the agent send off executor for the scope of the test and instead of dealing with Java's Futures, it uses Clojure's deref to obtain the result values.

Running this test produces an output like this:

$ clojure -X:run :vars '[com.github.bentomi.demo-test/multi-thread-conveying]'

Running tests in #{"test"}

Testing com.github.bentomi.demo-test

FAIL in (multi-thread-conveying) (demo_test.clj:29)

FAIL in (multi-thread-conveying) (demo_test.clj:29)
 (multi-thread-conveying) (demo_test.clj:29)
expected: (zero? (mod (sut) modulus))
expected: (zero? (mod (sut) modulus))
expected: (zero? (mod (sut) modulus))

FAIL in(multi-thread-conveying) (demo_test.clj:29)
(multi-thread-conveying) (demo_test.clj:29)
expected: (zero? (mod (sut) modulus))
expected: (zero? (mod (sut) modulus))
  actual: (not (zero? 70))
  actual:  actual:   actual:(not (zero? 88))
  (not (zero? 88))
(not (zero? 79))
  actual: (not (zero? 79))

FAIL in (multi-thread-conveying) (demo_test.clj:29)
expected: (zero? (mod (sut) modulus))
  actual: (not (zero? 70))

FAIL in (multi-thread-conveying) (demo_test.clj:29)
expected: (zero? (mod (sut) modulus))
  actual: (not (zero? 43))

Ran 1 tests containing 33 assertions.
7 failures, 0 errors.

Here we can see that there are 33 assertions not just one and, more importantly, that there are seven failures. Now, even if we cannot see the output of the tests, we can notice that they fail.

Reducing the boilerplate

Since it's awkward and error prone setting up the executor like this, we better extract the ceremony into a macro:

(spec/fdef with-send-off-executor
  :args (spec/cat :binding (spec/spec (spec/cat :name simple-symbol?
                                                :executor any?))
                  :body (spec/+ any?)))

(defmacro with-send-off-executor
  "Creates an ExecutorService by calling `executor`, sets it for the scope
  of the form as executor for `send-off`, `future`, etc. and executes `body`.
  The executor service created is bound to `name` and shut down after the
  execution of `body`."
  [[name executor] & body]
  `(let [~name ~executor
         original-executor# clojure.lang.Agent/soloExecutor]
     (set-agent-send-off-executor! ~name)
         (set-agent-send-off-executor! original-executor#)
         (.shutdown ~name)))))

with-send-off-executor is symmetrical to Clojure's with-open macro. It allows us to name the executor created and manipulate it in the body of the form. When the execution leaves the form, the executor is shut down.

Using this macro we can write the test such:

(deftest multi-thread-conveying
  (let [threads 8, tasks (* 2 threads)]
    (with-send-off-executor [_executor (Executors/newFixedThreadPool threads)]
      (->> (repeatedly tasks #(future-call sut-check))
           (map #(deref % 1000 ::timeout))
           (every? true?)

Have a look at the source code if you want to play with it.

Tags: testing clojure binding conveyance executors